Finally, it begins to appear as if spring has arrived — on some days more than others;) — but we’re not complaining … The warmer weather means that it’s time to start thinking differently about our skincare routine, and I’ve got just the solution.
When it comes to sun exposure, it’s important to remember that while a bit of sun can be good for you, too much sun can lead to premature ageing. Ageing is inevitable, but we have some control over how fast our cells repair themselves with adequate nutrients, hydration, and good skincare habits. This will help slow down signs such as uneven pigmentation (or dark patches), crow’s feet around the eye area, and a decrease in skin elasticity.
Here are 7 vital facts for protecting your skin from the sun:
- Apply sunscreen in summer and winter whenever there are high levels of UV for an extended period. SPF stands for “sun protection factor”. The SPF number on a sunscreen indicates how long it will take for UV rays to redden your skin Sunscreen should have an SPF of at least 15. Make sure you reapply! And, don’t forget about your lips!
- Use antioxidants in combination with your sunscreen. They work together to get you added protection against free radicals, making this an important part of any age management skincare regimen!
- Check your medications. Some can make your skin more sensitive to sunlight, especially antibiotics, certain acne treatments and antidepressant medications, leaving you at risk for hyperpigmentation.
- Understand the difference between UVA and UVB rays. Both cause damage, but UVB rays are the leading cause of sunburn. In contrast, UVA rays penetrate deeper into the skin. They are linked to long-term effects, such as premature ageing and wrinkles. Be aware of the time of day. The sun’s rays are the strongest between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. And ensure your sunscreen protects you from both!
- Seek shade whenever possible, and remember that water, sand, and snow all reflect sunlight and can intensify UV rays. Wear sun-protective clothing, like a long-sleeved shirt, pants, a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses with UV protection. And don’t forget about your little ones — babies under 6 months old should never be directly exposed to the sun.
- Check your skin regularly for changes. The most important thing you can do to protect your skin from the sun is regularly checking it. Early detection and removal of any signs of damage or early-stage cancers will help keep you looking young with healthy glowing pigmentations for years to come!
- Avoid excess sun exposure. Avoid tanning beds – They damage your skin much and increase your risk for skin cancer.

Bonus tip! Know your skin type and how to care for it. This will help in selecting what kind of sunscreen to look for!
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